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Tuesday 21 May 2013

Combining Spooky with the Great Outdoors

My friends and I were trying to come up with good ideas for filling in the October evenings leading up to Halloween. Dublin is funny in that, it seems to be freezing all summer and then suddenly in September/October, basically leading up to Halloween, we experience our version of summer. Actually I’m going to put “summer” in inverted commas here because most people from most countries would not call what we experience “summer” but it’s as close as we ever get! Anyway with all the beautiful evenings we had been having in the lead up to Halloween we decided that we wanted to look at spooky outdoor tours in Dublin. The Hellfire Club tour fit our description perfectly. In fact if one were to look at all the spooky outdoor tours in Dublin, I think you’d find this one the most perfect, perhaps even in the world! It involves bussing out to the Dublin mountains which are just south of the city of Dublin. Once you get to the bottom of the Hellfire Club’s mountain, you’re dropped off to trek up the hill (and I guess I should specify that this is a “mountain” in the same way that Ireland experiences “summer”, for anyone from pretty much anywhere else in the world this is a very gently hill”. So you trek up the very gentle hill, which might sound like a walk in the park, except the hill is covered with thick forest, so you trek up the gentle hill through the thick, pitch black forest, with all the creepy forest noises making you freak out before you’ve even reached the Hellfire Club itself! It feels very Blair Witchy hiking through the dark forest with the rest of the group. Everyone is almost relieved to get to the Hellfire Club itself because the atmosphere in those woods is very scary! It doesn’t help that the Dublin Mountains forests are also known as being Ireland’s most prolific body dumping ground! So for spooky outdoor tours in Dublin, this really fits the bill, you get the tour of the Hellfire Club itself, along with an amazing walk for a warm “summer’s” evening through what must be the creepiest forest in Europe!

Thursday 16 May 2013

Poem about the Dublin Hellfire Club

I received this poem to my email address recentlyfrom a user called Colfaz. That structure inspires a lot of creativity from people:
I wrote this poem about the Hell Fire Club when I was up there recently. Just thought Id share it with you and feel free to use it on the site!
The hell fire club
The men who bastardised the passage tomb were doomed.                                                                     The men wear skeletal jump suits and top hats                                                                                                 Carry canes and their bones glow in the dark                                                                                              Long scarves fall off them and trail along the cobbled leaving                                                                 Psychedelic neon symbols painted across the debris                                                                                    Of the abandoned hunting lodge.                                                                                                                     The women flaunt fangs                                                                                                                                      Wear tassels and capes, burlesque style dresses with                                                                                Thin straps that scrape their shoulder blades                                                                                              Until sores appear.                                                                                                                                          Light transparent gloves disguise                                                                                                                       Seductive hand movements and                                                                                                                      Involuntary spasms.                                                                                                                                              Not resisting the music                                                                                                                                                                          Swaying the Hellfire Club provides appropriateness. The DJ controls the ceremony.Perched on the alter before the great doors of the evil estate.Resting a silver chalice on disintegrating foliage jagged blade against the neck of a stiff goat. The faint applause can be heard in the distance and the Music begins again.The blood nourishes the children that Carry the curse. Mimicking the mayhem.